Top Ten reasons I wear a suit and tie

People have asked me why I usually wear a suit and tie for business.  Here are my Top Ten reasons:

 10. It helps increase my credibility.

 9.   It cheers me up when I look in the mirror.

 8.   People don’t ask me to help remove carcasses from the street.

 7.   I avoid getting arrested for public nudity.

 6.   I can check my tie to see if I’m standing up straight.

 5.   It’s warmer than a tank top and gym shorts.

 4.   It reminds me to act professionally and sometimes even keeps me from shouting profanities during important meetings.

 3.   I have more pockets for my stuff.

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 2.   We get a better table for lunch.

And the number one reason I usually wear a suit and tie for business:

 1.   As a sign of respect for my clients.

George M. Pomonik
Pomonik Consulting, Inc.
“Chaos Removal Services”SM

Copyright © George M. Pomonik, 2011. All rights reserved.

9 thoughts on “Top Ten reasons I wear a suit and tie

  1. I remember that when I first started as a Financial Advisor, we were advised in our training not to wear brown suits. The reason being that our potential Jewish clients had an aversion to them. It brought back the memory of the Nazi brown shirts. I doubt that this is true today with the passage of time.

    When I lived in DC, Suit and tie was the custom in my office, but when I moved to SC the custom was resort casual. When we meet with clients they often come in wearing shorts and tee’s.

    I still wear a suit and tie if giving a presentation, and if I am meeting with a client in person, though these days we most often have Live computer meetings. So I dress in a sports shirt and pants most days.

  2. I ALWAYS expect you to show up wearing a tie, except for that one time 20 years ago when we played golf. When men wore ties to work in the 60’s, they often showed up in jeans if they had to work on a weekend, however, they seemed to know as much and work as well. The fact that people in California rushed to stop wearing ties to work in most occupations should indicate something. I think ties are a trend which will run its course, probably in about another 5 to 10 years.

  3. Right on George!! Working at the Navy Yard in Washington DC I follow George’s rule. Even high ranking officers call me ‘Sir’, a sign of respect. The fact that I’m older than any of them doesn’t hurt either.

  4. Not that you are looking for yes and no votes…but: New Yorkers and people from Washington DC and in Europe would totally enjoy this list and likely agree. Try telling this to someone from San Francisco, the computer hub of the U.S. where jeans and shirts, no ties are the order of the day!! I think it goes back to the old saying…..when in Rome do as the Romans. It took my daughter’s boyfriend of 11 years to alert me to the fact that things have changed in the professional world when it comes to dress and etiquette. I tend to agree with him. When I started working in California in 1998, women wore stockings. Now you barely see a pair!!! Say no more……

    • Jacquie, I agree that appropriate attire depends on the specific business environment. However, I think there are still situations where appearance needs to project a more formal image of authority, dignity, and expertise. And even where “casual” is OK, “slobbish” is not. What do others think?
      – George

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